8 Min Read

Revival Has Come

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September 12, 2022

The journey of the Israelites in the Bible has always been a fascinating one to me. It reveals different dimensions of God as both a Father and a King. As a Father, he wants to protect, nurture and build up his Children, but as a King, he sees beyond daily family affairs (family meetings 😊) and merriments to War and Kingdom expansion. His intentions were clear from the beginning; He introduced himself to Moses as YHWH and LORD. That’s too strong a title for just family affairs. He isn’t just the LORD of HOST of heaven’s army but also the LORD of HOST of Israel’s Army.

That’s the kingdom mindset from the onset. Unfortunately, the Israelites could not recognise these two dimensions God was bringing to them. They could not see beyond the “family affairs”, they did not recognise the Kingdom dimension of things. Hence, they only lived at the “raiment and meat” level. The scent of Egyptian Garlic, wine and meat were always fresh in their hearts. Subject them to a prolonged period of hunger or food rationing and see how these “family men” would revolt.

The first parting of the sea was all about God. All they had to do was watch and sit back. No responsibility or contribution whatsoever. Isn’t that what children would typically do? Wake up in the morning, eat, jump all over the place and cry if their needs are not met on time.

At this level, God could only condone them for a while. They were still Children. But the second parting of the sea would require the HOST to rise. Taking the Land beyond Jordan would require active participation and contribution of both God and His Host. Crossing Jordan won’t be all about God, the Priests would be required to make the first move. Their feet must dare Jordan’s overflowing and boisterous bank with the Ark of God firmly borne on their shoulders. The flattening of the wall of Jericho would require them to march around the city for seven days, daring the Archers and snipers on Jericho’s city wall. Even with someone brandishing a sword at them, they must defy their fear and never break the rank and silence. Oh, what highly disciplined people they were!

This is very striking to the season we are in. It is a season whereby Heaven is waiting on Sons, not on children given to Raiments and Meat. It is a “Bold transitioning” period, where we take estates for the Lord. It is a period where we embark on deliberate building and restoration of systems for God.

I find it fascinating how the Israelites built their city wall under Nehemiah’s leadership. Every Family has an appointed portion of the wall they must build up for a gate to be restored. The overall progress and success of the restoration work would be a reflection of individual effort and faithfulness. Every one of us must take our Estate, build up the broken walls and systems, and set up the gate which symbolises God’s Judgment seat.

What is that little idea in your heart? Or those little thoughts forming up in you? Where is God leading you to? Those are little flickers of Light you must tend to. They are tools and platforms that would be viable in the hand of God in days to come.

A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench: he shall bring forth judgment unto truth.— Isaiah 42:3

Take up the estate and build for God. Set up a judgment seat for God and establish His righteousness in your space. This is the active participation required of us to take every system and thought for God.

It’s also amazing how different labour forces would build up different sections of the wall but maintain the same quality all through. There was no weakness whatsoever in any portion of the wall. They built according to patterns and standards.

The essence of the various series of teachings and dealings of God in us is to make us men that understand the set pattern of Christ. This is so that a Tech-bro has the same ministry-grade kingdom-influence during daily standups as a banker would in the banking system. We are all first evangelists sent forth before whatever our job title or JD is.

As you go this week, rise up and take that estate for God. Be bold and banish every form of fear in your heart. Take that bold step and see how heaven would respond to you.

It’s a season of Transitioning and Bold Participation of Sons. Banish fear and pay no attention to Sanballat’s and Tobiah’s mockery and wiles. That’s all they’ve got. If you don’t capitulate to fear in your heart, you will be so valuable in what God is doing.

God bless your heart and have an amazing week.


Dami Awosanmi.

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