Today’s message is titled “Of wells and true wealth”. Pst Dami Oguntunde started by defining greed as a manifestation of fear. It is the fear of having no economic prosperity in the future, hence you withhold more than is meet (Proverbs 11:24). This is why some hustle. Hustle is the attempt to make economic gain without the contribution of the Blessing.
It finds expression ways listed below:
- You want money by all means, even through unethical means because you are certain that money is scarce and you might not have enough in the future.
- You don’t recognize value, you only recognize money.
- You are a respecter of persons. You rate everyone based on money, including yourself.(Nabal, he was very rich, yet broke of wisdom, ideas, vision).
- You are led by mammon.
- You hold on to things for too long and you keep changing your words.
Pastor also shared on the types of wealth: - Prosperity of the soul: Understand the protocol of the Blessing and pursue wisdom.
- Evidential prosperity
- Eternal wealth.
Get into the message and be blessed.