In what is the ice-breaking teaching to the ‘Gifts Series’ Pastor Dami began by showing us the essence of gifts to the body of Christ, through the lens of 1 Cor. 12 and Ephesians 4:1-17. We saw that whilst walking in certain gifts may be the front end, the Lord who gave the gift is the back end, this is why a person should not be judged based on his gifts but based on the giver of every (good) gift, so that there is no schism in the body. Hence, we administer our gifts with love, meekness and humility.
Love, meekness and humility, because this is the posture that receives from God, the posture that allows a believer receive the faith and grace of God, because if there is any deficiency in a believer’s understanding of faith and grace, an understanding of the operations of spiritual gifts then becomes a tall order.
In a nutshell, the believer’s understanding of his eternal status as a debtor, not a contributor to the (finished) works of Christ in him, guides his path towards receiving, administering and embracing the operation of spiritual gifts in his life and in the entire body of Christ.