Today, Pastor Michael took on us an activation journey of the gifts of the spirit. He began with a deciphering of the administration of the gifts of the spirit as contained in 1 Corinthians 12, emphasizing that these gifts form a critical part of the equipping of every believer for the end time harvest.
He showed us the administration of the three categories of the gifts, and that is, the revelational gifts – Word of Wisdom, Word of Knowledge and Discernment of Spirits; the power gifts – Gifts of Healing, Working of miracles and Gift of faith; and the utterance gifts – gift of prophecy, diverse kinds of tongues and the interpretation of tongues.
He closed by highlighting that we must understand that these administration must be materially traced to the source code of the Holy Ghost and all are to be exercised within the framework of the fruits of the spirit, put differently, the fruits ultimately guard the gifts that it may serve the purpose for which it was given – a bountiful harvest.