In the sixth instalment of the Gift series, Pastor Dami Oguntunde taught about ‘the Anchor Gift’ – the gift that organises the expression of other gifts. He took us on a journey first, into the disabilities of the wisdom of this world and then into the hidden wisdom of God, channelled to every believer freely by the Holy Ghost.
He added that the Holy Ghost, as the teacher of all truth, then instructs and lead us into the administration of all the gifts ensuring that we maximise them and that with this arrow in our quiver it is an anomaly to define ourselves by just a strand of our gifts, thus limiting our God-given capacity to reach our world.
He concluded by teaching on how that the dimension of the spirit of God is manifested through power, love and sound mind; all of which come together to form a consumate virtue in us called BOLDNESS! So we are B.O.L.D, able to (B)oss (O)ver (L)ife (D)aringly.