In the ninth installment of “The Shield 🛡” series, Pastor Dami Oguntunde taught on “The Altar-ed Journies” – the altars you build around God’s gracious doings in your life journey. He took us on a journey that God has dealt with us a measure of faith and this is eternal. Eternal gifts fortunately have a base and infinite depth.
He added that there is awareness knowledge; the one that is general. There is a specific knowledge; the knowledge that comes from being taught. We have experiential knowledge; the one that can not be trampled by fear. This is when you have handled it as a reality. This cannot be denied ( 1 John 1:1).
He concluded that all these experiences that you have encountered in God give you hope. It makes you settled and help establish you more in faith(Romans 5:4-5). You will do well to:
- Journal your experience.
- Testify and don’t stop testifying.
- Remember all God has done.
Listen and be blessed.